


地区: 成都 绵阳 自贡 攀枝花 泸州 德阳 广元 遂宁 内江 乐山 资阳 宜宾 南充 达州 雅安 阿坝 甘孜 凉山 广安 巴中 眉山


文章来源: 四川成考网 发布时间: 2022-02-10 17:15作者: lsnx浏览量: 697


Part I Vocabulary and Structure

Section A

Directions:In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete eachone by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices.

1.Children who are over protected by their parents may become__.

A.hurt B.damagedC.sopiled D.harmed

2.The movie star__with your sister, didn't he?

A.was used to danceB.used to dancing

C.used to dance

D.was used to dancing

3.__ looked up in alarm.

A.All the present woman B.All the woman present

C.The all woman present D.The all present woman

4.The paint on the wall is still wet.__!

A.Be sure to not touch it B.Be not sure to touch it

C.Be sure not to touch it D.Don't be sure to touch it

5.China has made a series of plans to __ the times.

A.keep up with

B.keep away from

C.keep in touch with

D.put up with

6.Bush confidently ___Americans that the war against Iraq will be won.

A.ensures B.insuresC.assuresD.sure

7.You should be_ with what you have.

A.combine B.content C.comfortD.contrary

8.Our public transportation system is not_ for the needs of the people.

A.normalB.complete C.adequate D.perfect

9.Jackson's songs are very popular among young people, who is regarded__ other musicians.

A.as superior than

B.as more superior to

C.as superior to

D.as more superior than

10.The necessity of criticism and self-criticism_ that it helps us to correct our mistakes.

A.consists ofB.consists toC.lies in D.lies at


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